Q1. In April, 1975, from where was
India's first satellite "Aryabhatta" launched?
A. Kapustin Yar
B. Cape Canaveral
C. Thumba
Q2. Name this Indian Chemist who founded
"Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals", India's first
pharmaceutical company and also discovered the chemical compound "Mercurous Nitrite".
A. Jagdish Chandra Bose
B. Upendranath Brahmachari
C. Prafulla Chandra Ray
Q3. Which among following natural
number is known as "Hardy - Ramanujan number" or simply "Ramanujan's
number" after Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan?
A. 1729
B. 17843
C. 309
Q4. In 1954, who became the first
scientist to be conferred with "Padma Vibhushan", the second highest
Civilian Award of India?
A. Satyendra Nath Bose
B. Homi J. Bhabha
C. Har Gobind Khorana
Q5. Who among the following established
the "Indian Academy of Sciences" in 1934?
A. C. V. Raman
B. Vikram Sarabhai
C. Meghnad Saha
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